Mauritius Company Formation FAQs

Mauritius allows nominee directors and shareholders, and directors may be from any country. However, you will need a local Registered Agent and Registered Office. We at Europe Emirates Group can facilitate those two requirements. The nominees can be either people or corporations.

You can receive an investor’s visa for any investment of at least $US 10,000. After residing in Mauritius for three years for at least three months, you will then be eligible for permanent residency. You should earn a profit of at least $US 75,000 the first year and then about $US 300,000 in the following years.

There are no foreign ownership restrictions except for publicly-listed companies in the sugarcane trade. The Financial Services Commission caps a foreign investor’s stake at 15 per cent. 

Offshore companies established in Mauritius do not pay corporate taxes. If it is a Mauritius Global Business Company, or local entity, corporate taxes for worldwide income is capped at three per cent. There are also no taxes for capital gains, nor withholding tax on interest payments, royalties and dividends. 

You can most certainly open an offshore bank account in Mauritius. At Europe Emirates Group, we are Eligible Introducers for two of the country’s most reputable financial institutions and will be delighted to work with you towards opening a Mauritian account. 

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